Monday, April 16, 2012

Westward Yo!

Well,it's been a year since we went away, guess that guitar player sure, what? Anyway, lots of water under the bridge since the last alpaca road trip and to shake it up this time Julia and I are meant to deliver the critters instead of retrieve. That's better, right? We went for a bankers start in the morning(8:30am Monday)at Suripaco farm. The truck was packed by my most excellent employers the previous eve so we loaded up the alpaca and moved to Beverly (this may be a problem). The weather brought a rash of tornados over the weekend across our planned path and destination which happily cleared for our traverse, so far.(Julia, knock some wood..thanks...wait was that actually real wood? this hotel is kind of cheep.) As we pasted through up state New York and Pensylvania we found the size and scope of the vineyards astonishing. I really had no idea that that much wine production went on in the area. Suddenly our little three acre vineyard at Suripaco farm seems undaunting in terms of maintenance. No traffic south bound and we choose RT 90 through Albany, road kill was sparce but diverse. We saw lots of turkey vulchers along the way, coincidence? We stopped outside Rochester in Batavia for the night. Turkey(coincidence?)club salad from Pauly's pizza(free delivery to hotel) for dinner. It was good, but remember, it's all about expectations.