Saturday, May 21, 2011


I seem to have co-opted Julia's blog, however I leave it to the readers to determine who's entry is who's


Nothing of note to report on the flight out, although we upgraded to business class. I fear I am ruined for economy class. We'll be "mucking around" in Denver today and lunching with my cousin Andrew. We learned of a lounge in a Hyat on the 27rd floor, should be some nice views... perhaps the i-phone is not the best source for panoramic photos.

Friday, May 20, 2011

It begins

Okay, we are at the Portland International Jetport awaiting our flight to Denver and already things have changed. Due to an outbreak of equine herpes virus, deadly and incurable, we will not be taking on camelid passengers in Ohio as planned. While there is no direct evidence of cross species infection, alpaca are susceptible so why take the chance.

First stop Atlanta!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Back Story)

Ok, here's the skinny, I have unwittingly been employed in "old timey" jobs for almost my entire working life. By the way, I am Julia's husband Peter. Along the way I have built houses, been a commercial fisherman (sea urchins and lobsters) and boat builder. Mostly I have been a carpenter/wood worker and figured that would be that. Man plans and the universe laughs. One year almost to the day after I was laid off due to the most recent recession, with my unemployment benefits at an end, I was offered a job on an Alpaca farm. Animal husbandry had not been on my radar screen but what the 'hay', why not. There is also, by the way, an 800 vine vineyard on the Suripaco farm ( which it seems is now my baby. So, but for fossil fuels, all work that has been carried out for thousands of years. Old timey, yes?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Beginning the Blog

Hi - May 10th.   This is the first blog I have ever attempted.  Be patient and I will gladly accept any insight, suggestions and help that anyone can offer.

Very soon we will be embarking on an adventure with some adorable and silly Alpaca traveling 2100 miles across the country.  I hope to detail and share pictures and stories as we make this wonderful trek.